Terms and conditions

Pogoji poslovanja 

  1. Splošno

Ti splošni pogoji poslovanja veljajo v vseh pogodbenih razmerjih, sklenjenih v zvezi z nakupom izdelkov preko spletne trgovine www.balkanriverdefence.org. Splošni pogoji poslovanja, ki so sestavljeni v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo o varstvu potrošnikov, veljavno zakonodajo o varstvu osebnih podatkov ter na podlagi priporočil GZS in mednarodnih kodeksov za e-poslovanje, obravnavajo in urejajo delovanje spletne trgovine, elemente poslovnega odnosa med ponudnikom in naročnikom – kupcem in pravice slednjega.

Spletno stran www.balkanriverdefence.org in spletno trgovino upravlja Leeway Collective, zavod za promocijo in varovanje vodnih ekosistemov, D.Š.: 28878400, ki je tudi lastnik spletne strani in spletne trgovine. Navedeni zavod je kot ponudnik izdelkov oz. storitev tudi pogodbena stranka tega razmerja (v nadaljevanju: ponudnik).

Kupca zavezujejo splošni pogoji, ki so veljavni v trenutku nakupa, tj. oddaje spletnega naročila. Uporabnik je ob oddaji naročila vsakič posebej opozorjen na splošne pogoje poslovanja in z oddajo naročila potrdi svojo seznanjenost z njimi.

V primeru komunikacije po e-pošti ali telefonu zavoda šteje, da je naročnik prebral pričujoče splošne pogoje ter da se z njimi v celoti strinja.

Zavod si pridržuje pravico, da občasno brez posebnega predhodnega opozorila spremeni splošne pogoje.

Zbiranje in obdelava osebnih podatkov naročnikov storitev ali obiskovalcev spletnega mesta podjetja je urejeno v Splošnih pogojih zasebnosti.

Naročnik se zavezuje, da ne bo uporabljal izdelkov iz spletne strani www.balkanriverdefence.org ali storitev le te za noben nezakonit ali nedovoljen namen, prav tako se zavezuje, da ne bo kršil nobenih zakonov v svoji pristojnosti (vključno, vendar ne omejeno na avtorske pravice).

Prepovedano je prenašanje virusov ali kod destruktivnega značaja.

Kršitev katerega koli izmed pogojev bo povzročila takojšnjo prekinitev storitev.

Ponudnik si pridružuje pravico, da zavrne storitev komurkoli iz kakršnega koli razloga in kadarkoli.

Naročnik je seznanjen, da njegova vsebina (razen podatkov o kreditni kartici) lahko potuje nešifrirano in vključuje (a) prenos preko različnih omrežij; in (b) spremembe, da ustrezajo tehničnim zahtevam povezovanja omrežij ali naprav. Podatki o kreditni kartici so vedno šifrirani med prenosom preko omrežij.

Naročnik se zavezuje, da ne bo reproduciral, podvajal, kopiral, prodajal ali izkoriščal nobenega dela storitve, uporabe storitve ali dostopa do storitve ali katerega koli stika na spletni strani, preko katere se storitev zagotavlja, brez izrecnega pisnega dovoljenja s strani ponudnika.

Naslovi, ki se uporabljajo v tem sporazumu, so vključeni samo zaradi udobja in ne bodo omejevali ali drugače vplivali na te pogoje.

  1. Uporaba spletnega mesta

Uporabnik se zavezuje, da bo spletno mesto uporabljal zakonito in na običajen način, v skladu z namenom spletnega mesta.

Če uporabnik spletno mesto uporablja v nasprotju s prejšnjim odstavkom, mu lahko ponudnik začasno ali trajno (glede na težo kršitve) onemogoči dostop do portala.

Z uporabo spletnega mesta med uporabnikom in ponudnikom ne nastane nobena pogodba in noben pogodben odnos. Uporabnik zaradi uporabe spletnega mesta razen obveznosti, ki so navedene v teh pogojih, nima nobenih drugih obveznosti.

Ponudnik si pridržuje pravico, da dostop do portala, določenih delov portala ali posameznih funkcionalnosti na portalu kadarkoli omeji (npr. samo za registrirane uporabnike ali naročnike) ali veže na izpolnitev določenih pogojev.

  1. Oddaja in preklic naročila

Naročnik – kupec opravi nakup z oddajo naročila v spletni trgovini. Po oddaji naročila prejme uporabnik na svoj elektronski poštni naslov potrdilo o prejetem naročilu. V primeru, da naročnik – kupec v roku 1 ure po oddanem naročilu na svoj elektronski naslov ne prejme odgovora o prejetem naročilu, niti ni odgovora v njegovi vsiljeni elektronski pošti, naj o tem obvesti ponudnika preko kontaktnega obrazca. Po oddaji oz. potrditvi naročila ponudnik prične s postopkom obdelave naročila in pošiljanjem.

Za vsebino oddanega naročila odgovarja izključno naročnik – kupec.

Skladno z 2. točko petega odstavka 43.č člena Zakona o varstvu potrošnikov (ZVPot) ter glede na naravo naročila, ki je izdelano po natančnih navodilih naročnika – kupca in prilagojeno njegovim osebnim potrebam, slednji praviloma nima pravice odstopa od pogodbe.

Ponudnik ni odgovoren za motnje v poteku storitve oddaje naročila, ki so posledica ravnanja uporabnika (npr. računalnik, okužen z virusi) ali ponudnikov poti oziroma infrastrukture, ki jo uporablja storitev spletna trgovina (npr. izpad delovanja medmrežja).

  1. Dobavni rok in dostava

Poundnik naročeno blago po izdelavi zapakira v primerno embalažo, ki omogoča, da se izdelek med transportom ne poškoduje, ter zagotavlja zaupnost narave izdelka, ter blago odpošlje najkasneje v roku 3-8 delovnih dni od sklenitve pogodbe, tj. od prejema potrditvenega elektronskega sporočila, ki ga naročnik prejme s strani ponudnika, pri čemer se dobavni roki razlikujejo glede na naročeni izdelek ali lokacijo dostave. Če ponudnik svoje obveznosti ne bo mogel izpolniti v roku, ker blago ne bo na razpolago, bo o tem obvestil kupca.

Privzeta možnost za pošiljanje izdelkov preko poštne pošiljke v EU/EGP je Pošta Slovenije. Za vse države izven teh regij (tj. ZDA, Kanada, Avstralija) se naročila pošiljajo s hitro kurirsko službo DHL Express.

V primeru, da naročnik – kupec ne prejme paketa v 15 delovnih dneh od sklenitve pogodbe, mora to sporočiti ponudniku.

Dostava se izvrši na naslov, ki ga je naročnik – kupec navedel ob oddaji. Zaradi zagotavljanja čim uspešnejše in čim hitrejše dostave se zahteva, da kupec ob oddaji naročila poda popolne podatke o naslovu dostave in tudi kontaktno telefonsko številko. V primeru, da dostave blaga na naslovu za dostavo ni mogoče opraviti, dostavljavec pusti obvestilo o prispeli pošiljki oziroma o poskusu predaje blaga. V primeru, da naročnik – kupec naročenega blaga ne prevzame v postavljenem roku, ponudnik izdelek na svoje stroške ustrezno uniči – reciklira. Kljub temu je naročnik – kupec še vedno zavezan k plačilu opravljenih storitev.

Virtualni produkti se obdelajo takoj, naročnik pa preko e-pošte prejme avtomatsko sporočilo z informacijami za dostop.

  1. Cene

Vse cene izdelkov so izražene v evrih in vključujejo davek na dodano vrednost, če ni izrecno določeno drugače. Za posamezno naročilo so veljavne cene, ki veljajo v trenutku oddaje naročila. Cene nimajo vnaprej določene veljavnosti in se lahko kadarkoli brez predhodnega obvestila spremenijo.

V primeru, da se cena artikla spremeni med obdelavo naročila, bo ponudnik kupcu omogočil odstop od nakupa, hkrati pa bo ponudnik kupcu ponudil rešitev, ki bo šla v obojestransko zadovoljstvo.

  1. Stroški dostave

Stroški dostave se izračunajo na podlagi velikosti paketa, števila naročenih izdelkov in destinacije dostave in bremenijo naročnika – kupca.

V primeru, da so v okviru enega oddanega naročila naročeni izdelki, katerih pakiranje ni kompatibilno in je naročilo potrebno odpremiti v več paketih, je naročnik – kupec zavezan k toliko kratnemu plačilu stroškov dostave, kolikor je odpremljenih paketov. O tem je naročnik – kupec pred oddajo naročila tudi izrecno obveščen.

Stroški, ki nastanejo zaradi carinjenja ob pošiljanju v države izven EU ali Združenega Kraljestva, bremenijo naročnika – kupca.

  1. Način plačila

Naročnik – kupec svojo obveznost plačila kupnine in stroškov dostave poravna s plačilno oziroma kreditno kartico ali preko Paypal, Apple Pay in Google Pay ali preko nakazila na TRR (le nekateri produkti) ob oddaji naročila.

Pri nakupu v spletni trgovini ponudnika, se v skladu z nacionalno in evropsko zakonodajo, ki ureja plačilne storitve (Direktiva (EU) 2015/2366 o plačilnih storitvah na notranjem trgu (PSD 2)), kadar se zagotavlja ukrep t.i. močne avtentikacije strank, vsi podatki, potrebni za obdelavo plačilne transakcije, prenesejo ponudniku plačilnih storitev.

  1. Odgovornost za napake

Ponudnik odgovarja za stvarne napake izdelkov, skladno z določili ZVPot.

Če se dostavljeni izdelki razlikujejo od naročenih izdelkov, tj. v primeru, da gre za dostavo napačnih izdelkov ali poškodbo le teh, naročnik – kupec v roku 24 ur od prejema izdelka obvesti ponudnika in mu posreduje fotografije, ki natančno prikazujejo poškodovan ali napačen izdelek. Ponudnik obvesti naročnika v roku osmih dni o razrešitvi nastale težave. V kolikor ponudnik zahteva vračilo poškodovanega ali napačnega artikla, kupec dostavljene izdelke na stroške ponudnika vrne, ponudnik pa jih v roku, ki velja v primeru oddaje naročila, brezplačno nadomesti z ustreznimi.

Kdaj je napaka stvarna? Kadar:

– Ima artikel vidne poškodbe, ki so posledica dostave;
– je ponudnik izročil artikel, ki se ne ujema z vzorcem ali modelom, razen če je bil vzorec ali model pokazan le zaradi obvestila;
– če dostavljeni izdelki ne ustrezajo lastnostim oziroma specifikacijam naročenih izdelkov (dostava izdelkov z napako), mora kupec o tem obvestiti ponudnika v 24 urah od datuma prejema izdelka.

Ponudnik ne dogovarja za napake, ki na izdelku nastanejo kot posledica izpostavljenosti naravnim vplivom (vlaga, neposredna sončna svetloba, visoka temperatura, …).

Potrošnik oziroma kupec mora v obvestilu o napaki, ki ga ponudniku posreduje potom elektronske pošte, natančneje opisati napako in ponudniku posredovati fotografije, ki natančno prikazujejo napako.

Če obstoj napake na blagu oziroma nepravilnost pri opravljeni storitvi ni sporna, mora ponudnik v roku osmih dni ugoditi potrošnikovi zahtevi. V primeru, da se ugotovi, da je naročnikovo – kupčevo grajanje napake upravičeno, ima le – ta pravico zahtevati, da ponudnik izdelek z napako zamenja z novim brezhibnim izdelkom.

Ob upoštevanju lastnosti različnih medijev – nosilcev podatkov, ponudnik ne odgovarja za morebitna manjša barvna odstopanja, ki bi se izkazala med podatki, prikazanimi na elektronskem mediju (monitor) in podatki, natisnjenimi ali razvitimi na papirju.

  1. Varovanje osebnih podatkov

Ponudnik zbira osebne podatke v spletni trgovini www.balkanriverdefence.org v največji meri z namenom zagotoviti pravilno delovanje spletne trgovine ter nudenja zahtevanih storitev.

Ponudnik se pridobljene osebne podatke zavezuje varovati in shranjevati v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo o varstvu osebnih podatkov in Uredbo (EU) 2016/679 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 27. aprila 2016 o varstvu posameznikov pri obdelavi osebnih podatkov in o prostem pretoku takih podatkov (Splošna uredba o varstvu podatkov).

Morebitnim podizvajalcem, ki izvajajo tiskanje izdelka in so odgovorni za organizacijo dostave izdelka preko dostavnih služb (npr. Deutsche Post, Royal Mail, DHL Express ipd.), bo ponudnik zaupal le potrebne podatke za dostavo v spletni trgovini kupljenih izdelkov (podatki o prejemniku, elektronski naslov, telefonsko število in naslov za dostavo).

Prek elektronske pošte bo tako ponudnik kot tudi podizvajalec stopil v stik z uporabnikom, če bo to potrebno za izvedbo nakupa v spletni trgovini. Za varovanje osebnih podatkov je odgovoren tudi naročnik – kupec sam.

Ponudnik za potrebe opravljanja storitev, ki jih ponuja, zbira, vodi, obdeluje in shranjuje naslednje uporabnikove podatke:

ime in priimek;
naslove za dostavo;
naslov elektronske pošte;
kontaktno telefonsko številko;
državo bivanja;
druge podatke, ki jih uporabnik prostovoljno vnese v obrazce v spletni trgovini.

Za pravilnost, popolnost in ažurnost podatkov, ki jih vnesejo uporabniki, ponudnik ne odgovarja.

  1. Omejitev odgovornosti

Ponudnik se po svojih najboljših močeh trudi zagotoviti ažurnost in pravilnost podatkov, ki so objavljeni na njegovi strani. Kljub temu, pa se lahko lastnosti artiklov, rok dobave ali cena spremenijo tako hitro, da ponudnik ne uspe popraviti podatkov na spletnih straneh. V takem primeru, bo ponudnik kupca obvestil o spremembah in mu omogočil odstop od naročila ali zamenjavo naročenega artikla.

Ponudnik ima možnost odstopa od pogodbe, če se ugotovi očitna napaka (46. člen Obligacijskega zakonika). Kot očitna napaka se šteje napaka v bistvenih lastnostih artikla in vse zmote, ki se po običajih v trgovini ali po namenu strank štejejo za odločilne ter jih ponudnik v primeru vednosti ne bi potrdil oziroma sklenil pogodbe. To vključuje tudi očitne napake v ceni.

  1. Pritožbe in spori

Ponudnik spoštuje veljavno zakonodajo o varstvu potrošnikov ter se po vseh močeh trudi izpolnjevati svojo dolžnost zagotavljanja učinkovitega sistema obravnavanja pritožb.

Ponudnik ima, skladno z določili ZVPot vzpostavljen učinkovit sistem obravnavanje pritožb. Naročnik – kupec v primeru težav ponudnika za obravnavanje pritožb kontaktira po elektronski pošti. Ponudnik bo najkasneje v roku 8 delovnih dni potrdil, da je pritožbo prejel ter naročniku – kupcu sporočil potek nadaljnje obravnave tega postopka. Ponudnik se, skladno s svojo vizijo, trudi, da se vse nastale spore, tudi iz razloga ekonomičnosti postopka na strani obeh strank, rešuje sporazumno, tudi s posredovanjem izvajalca izvensodnega reševanja potrošniških sporov, skladno z določili Zakona o izvensodnem reševanju potrošniških sporov (ZIsRPS). V primeru, da sporazumna rešitev nastale sporne situacije ne bo možna, bo o sporu odločalo stvarno pristojno sodišče v Radovljici.

  1. Varstvo potrošnikov

Za vsa, s temi splošnimi pogoji neurejena razmerja oz. elemente, veljajo pravila veljavne zakonodaje s področja varstva potrošnikov.

  1. Veljavnost splošnih pogojev poslovanje

Ti splošni pogoji veljajo v primeru naročila preko spletnih strani ponudnika.

Ti splošni pogoji poslovanja veljajo od 26.12.2024 dalje.

Terms and conditions

  1. General

These are the general terms and conditions which apply to all contractual relationships concerning the sales of products through the online store at www.balkanriverdefence.org. The general terms and conditions of the business are in accordance with applicable legislation on consumer protection, personal data protection, recommendations of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, and international codes of e-business. These conditions govern the functioning of the online store, the elements of the business relationship between the provider and the customer, and the rights of the latter.

The website and online store www.balkanriverdefence.org are operated by Leeway Collective, Institute for Promotion and Protection of Aquatic Ecosystems, Zgornja Lipnica 24 a, 4246 Kamna Gorica, Slovenia, Tax nr.: 28878400, which is also proprietor of the website and online store. The aforementioned company is also the contractual party in this relationship, as the provider of products and/or services.

The customer is bound by the general terms and conditions applicable at the time of purchase, i.e. submission of an online order. When placing an order, the user is explicitly informed of the general terms and conditions of the business, and by submitting their order, confirm their familiarity with them. In case of communication via email or telephone, it is assumed that the customer has read these general terms and conditions and accepts them in full.

The business reserves the right to change the general terms and conditions without any special notice.

The collection and processing of personal data of customers who order services or visit the website is regulated by the general conditions of privacy.

The customer undertakes not to use the products or services of www.balkanriverdefence.org for any illegal or unauthorized purpose and agrees not to violate any laws within their jurisdiction (including but not limited to copyright). The transfer of viruses or codes of a destructive nature is prohibited. Violating any of the conditions will lead to an immediate termination of services.

The provider reserves the right to reject service to anyone for any reason and at any time.

The customer is aware that their content (excluding credit card data) may be transmitted unencrypted, including (a) transmission over various networks, and (b) changes to conform and adapt to technical requirements of connecting networks or devices. Credit card information is always encrypted during transmission over networks.

The customer agrees not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell or exploit any portion of the service, use of the service, or access to the service or any contact on the website through which the service is provided, without express written permission by the provider.

The headings used in this agreement are included for convenience only and will not limit or otherwise affect these terms and conditions.

  1. Using the Website

The user agrees to use the website lawfully and in a customary manner, in accordance with the purpose of the website.

If the user uses the website in violation of the previous paragraph, the provider may temporarily or permanently (depending on the severity of the violation) disable access to the portal.

Using the website does not create any contract or contractual relationship between the user and the provider. The user, except for the obligations stated in these terms, has no other obligations due to the use of the website.

The provider reserves the right to restrict access to the portal, certain parts of the portal, or individual functionalities on the portal at any time (e.g. only for registered users or subscribers) or link them to the fulfillment of certain conditions.

The provider is not responsible if information made available on this site is not accurate, complete or current. The material on this site is provided for general information only and should not be relied upon or used as the sole basis for making decisions without consulting primary, more accurate, more complete or more timely sources of information. Any reliance on the material on this site is at your own risk.

This site may contain certain non updated information. This kind of information, necessarily, is not current and is provided for your reference only. We reserve the right to modify the contents of this site at any time, but we have no obligation to update any information on our site. You agree that it is your responsibility to monitor changes to our site.

  1. Placing and Cancelling Orders

The customer makes a purchase by placing an order on the online store. After placing the order, the user receives an order confirmation to their email address. If the customer does not receive a response or confirmation within 1 hour of placing the order, and there is no response in their spam folder, they should notify the provider via contact form.

The customer is solely responsible for the content of the placed order.

According to Article 43c, Paragraph 5, Point 2 of the Consumer Protection Act (ZVPot), and considering the nature of the order, which is produced according to the customer’s precise instructions and tailored to their personal needs, the customer generally does not have the right to withdraw from the contract.

The provider is not responsible for disruptions in the order placement process caused by user actions (e.g., a computer infected with viruses etc.) or by the provider’s network or infrastructure used for the online store service (e.g., internet connectivity issues).

  1. Delivery Time and Shipping

After producing the ordered goods, provider will package them in suitable packaging to ensure that the product is not damaged during transportation and to maintain the confidentiality of the nature of the product. The goods will be shipped within 3-8 working days from the contract’s conclusion, which is the receipt of the confirmation email sent by the provider to the customer. However, delivery times may vary depending on the ordered product or delivery location. If the provider cannot fulfill their obligations within the specified time because the goods are not available, they will inform the customer.

The default option for shipping within the EU/EEA ia Pošta Slovenia (Post of Slovenia). For all countries outside of these regions (such as the USA, Canada, Australia), orders are shipped using the fast courier service DHL Express.

If the customer does not receive the package within 15 working days from the contract’s conclusion, they must notify the provider.

The delivery will be made to the address provided by the customer at the time of placing the order. To ensure successful and prompt delivery, it is required that the customer provides complete details about the delivery address and a contact phone number when placing the order. If it is not possible to deliver the goods to the designated address, the delivery personnel will leave a notification about the arrival of the package or an attempted delivery. If the customer does not take delivery of the ordered goods within the specified time frame, the provider will dispose of or recycle the product at their own expense. Nevertheless, the customer is still obligated to pay for the services rendered, which include the production of photo products.

  1. Prices

All product prices are expressed in euros and include value-added tax, unless otherwise stated. The prices that are valid at the time of placing the order apply to each individual order. The prices do not have a predetermined validity and may be subject to change at any time without prior notice.

If the price of an item changes during the processing of an order, the provider will give the customer the option to cancel the purchase. At the same time, the provider will offer a solution that satisfies both parties.

  1. Delivery Costs

The delivery costs are calculated based on the size of the package, the number of ordered products, and the delivery destination, and paid by the customer.

In cases where an order includes products that cannot be packaged together and the order needs to be shipped in multiple packages, the customer is required to pay for the delivery costs for each shipped package. The customer is explicitly informed about this before placing the order.

Any costs incurred due to customs clearance when shipping to countries outside of the EU are paid by the customer.

  1. Payment Method

The customer settles their payment obligation for the purchase price and delivery costs using a UPN payment or credit card, or through PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay when placing an order.

When making a purchase in the provider’s online store, in accordance with national and European legislation governing payment services (Directive (EU) 2015/2366 on payment services in the internal market (PSD 2)), when strong customer authentication is provided, all necessary data for processing the payment transaction is transferred to the payment service provider.

  1. Liability for Defects

The provider is responsible for material defects of the products in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act.

If the delivered products differ from the ordered products, i.e., in the case of delivery of incorrect products or their damage, the customer must notify the provider within 24 hours of receiving the product and provide them with photographs that accurately depict the damaged or incorrect product. The provider will inform the customer of the resolution of the issue within eight days. If the provider requires the return of the damaged or incorrect item, the customer must return the delivered products at the expense of the provider, and the provider will replace them with the appropriate ones free of charge within the timeframe specified when placing the order.

When is a material considered defect? When:

– The item has visible damages resulting from delivery.
– The provider has delivered an item that does not correspond to the sample or model, unless the sample or model was shown for informational purposes only.

If the delivered products do not meet the characteristics or specifications of the ordered products (delivery of defective products), the customer must notify the provider within 24 hours from the date of receiving the product.

The provider does not compensate for defects that occur on the product as a result of exposure to natural elements (moisture, direct sunlight, high temperature, etc.).

In the notification of the defect sent to the provider via email, the consumer or customer must accurately describe the defect and provide photographs clearly depicting the defect.

If the existence of a defect in the goods or an irregularity in the performed service is not disputed, the provider must fulfill the consumer’s request within eight days. If it is determined that the customer’s complaint about the defect is justified, the customer has the right to request that the provider replace the defective product with a new, flawless one.

The provider has made every effort to display as accurately as possible the colors and images of our products that appear at the store. Taking into account the characteristics of different media and data carriers, the provider is not responsible for any minor color deviations that may appear between the data displayed on electronic media (monitor) and the data printed or developed on paper. The provider cannot guarantee that customer’s computer monitor’s display of any color will be accurate. The provider do not warrant that the quality of any products, services, information, or other material purchased or obtained by the customer will meet customer’s expectations, or that any errors in the Service will be corrected.

  1. Protection of Personal Data

The provider collects personal data on the website www.balkanriverdefence.org to ensure the proper functioning of the online store and provide the requested services.

The provider is committed to protecting and storing the gathered personal data in accordance with applicable personal data protection laws and the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation).

The provider or possible subcontractor will only disclose the necessary data for the delivery of purchased products in the online store (recipient data, email address, phone number, and delivery address).

Both the provider and the subcontractor may contact the user via email if necessary for the execution of the purchase in the online store. The customer is also responsible for the protection of personal data.

For the purpose of providing services, the provider collects, manages, processes, and stores the following user data:

Full name
Delivery addresses
Email address
Contact telephone number
Country of residence
Other data voluntarily entered by the customer in the forms on the online store.

The provider is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of the data entered by customers.

  1. Limitation of Liability

The provider strives to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the information published on its website to the best of its abilities. However, the properties of products, delivery times, or prices can change so quickly that the provider may not be able to correct the information on the website. In such cases, the provider will inform the customer about the changes and offer the option to cancel the order or replace the ordered item.

The provider has the right to withdraw from the contract if an obvious error is identified (Article 46 of the Obligations Code). An obvious error is considered to be an error in the essential characteristics of the product and any mistakes that are considered decisive based on trading customs or the intention of the parties, and which the provider would not have confirmed or concluded the contract had they been aware of them. This also includes obvious errors in pricing.

  1. Complaints and Disputes

The provider respects the applicable legislation on consumer protection and makes every effort to fulfill its obligation to provide an effective system for handling complaints.

The provider has established an effective system for handling complaints in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act (ZVPot). In case of difficulties, the customer can contact the provider by email to initiate the complaint process. The provider will confirm receipt of the complaint within eight working days and inform the customer of the further handling of the case. The provider strives to resolve all disputes that arise, even for economic reasons, through mutual agreement, including the use of an out-of-court consumer dispute resolution provider in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (ZIsRPS). If an amicable solution to a dispute cannot be reached, the matter will be decided by a competent court in Radovljica.

  1. Consumer Protection

For all matters not covered by these terms and conditions, the rules of the applicable legislation on consumer protection apply.

  1. Validity of the General Terms and Conditions of Business

These general terms and conditions apply in the case of an order through the website of the provider.

These general terms and conditions of business are valid as of December 26th, 2024.

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