We aren’t hibernating through the winter. We are working on all the details to make another Balkan Rivers Tour happen and we are happy to announce the dates for BRT4!This time, the 4th time down the road, we are changing the basic concept. We won’t be heading on a 32-day long trip where we move to a new location every day. Instead, Balkan Rivers Tour 4 will happen in 3 separate weeks in 3 different countries – to Romania and Bulgaria for the first time and our home, Slovenia.Each week will have a basecamp location. From there, we will make mini day trips to rivers in the region in the […]
River IntellectualsThe idea of incorporating academics into the BRD network came up a year ago and has been gaining interest and momentum. The idea behind River Intellectuals (RI) is simple; to bridge the gap between academics and river conservationists. Research can prove the value of free flowing rivers but often does not reach the NGO’s that need this academic backup. Moreover, research is dependent on funding and the interest often lies elsewhere. Luckily, many students and an increasing amount of professors are eager to have an impact with their research and want to use their studies for a bigger cause. Information is a powerful tool and our RI network funnels […]
Naš celovečerni dokumentarec ‘The Undamaged’ ali po domače ‘Nepoškodovane’ prihaja v slovenske kinematografe in s tem do vas. Film sledi Balkan Rivers Tour-u 1 ter ob tem prikazuje boj vsakodnevnih ljudi iz Balkana (in ekipe kajakašev) za divje reke in s tem proti nepotrebnim pregradam hidroelektrarn. Balkan je zadnji košček Evrope, ki še gosti prosto tekoče reke in z njimi povezane bogate ekosisteme, običaje in skupnosti. Pohlep iz tujine in vladnih uradov, ki poganja 3.000 načrtovanih jezov, se na le-te ne ozira in v varnem medijskem mrku počne, česar ne bi počel na svojem domačem pragu. A ta nepravica s pisanimi kajaki in pestro mednarodno ekipo v njih postaja znana širom […]