For the last 4 weeks, we have all made it clear that we will not be silenced and we will not give up nature or democracy. Here is a summary of our recent actions, from 29.05.20-18.06.20. Narave Ne Damo Petition Friday May 29th 2020 After 11,000 emails in each MPs inbox, after hundreds of nature supporters stood in the rain in front of the parliament, after people with potted flowers peacefully walked around Parliament, after thousands and thousands of people ride bicycles around Slovenian Parliament every week, the collective pressure we put on the MPs had an effect and caused them to postpone the vote for the 3rd destructive anti-corona package. […]
V zadnjih 4 tednih smo jasno pokazali, da ne bomo tiho in da se nismo pripravljeni odpovedati naravi in demokraciji. Sledi povzetek nedavnih dogodkov iz obdobja med 29. majem in 18. junijem 2020. Peticija Narave ne damo petek, 29. maj 2020 Po tem, ko je bilo vsem poslancem Odbora za infrastrukturo, okolje in prostor poslanih 11.000 elektronskih sporočil, po tem, ko je več sto podpornikov narave, dežju navkljub več ur stalo pred parlamentom, po tem, ko so ljudje mirno krožili okrog stavbe parlamenta z lončnicami, po tem, ko je na tisoče ljudi po celi Sloveniji kolesarilo vsak petek, je bil skupni pritisk na politike zadosten, da so zamaknili datum glasovanja. V petek, 29. […]