On Wednesday, November 25th Alliance for the Sava announced their formation and future activities with the online press conference.
Together with Balkan River Defence, alliance to defend river Sava against proposed 10 HPPs in comprised of:
– Eko krog
– Zavod Leeway Collective
– Mladi za podnebno pravičnost
– Inštitut Lutra
– Društvo za preučevanje rib Slovenije
– Civilna iniciativa Za Savo Litija
– Zavod Revivo
– Civilna iniciativa za ekosocialno družbo in razvoj Zasavja
This kind of joining forces in the field of nature conservation is one of the first ones in Slovenia. The goal of alliance is preservation of the Sava river and enabling a proper sustainable development of the region Zasavje.
You are invited to follow the actions of Alliance for the Sava on the webpage www.za-savo.si.