Upravno sodišče je odpravilo vladno odločbo o prevladi druge javne koristi nad koristjo ohranjanja narave, ki bi omogočila začetek gradnje HE Mokrice. Sodišče je dalo vedeti, da sočasno pač ni možno uporabljati treh zakonov. Po domače povedano je bil tole malo preveč šalabajzerski poizkus.
Po novem bo investitor moral lepo ‘po reglcih’, kot bi rekla stara mama, najprej izvesti celoten postopek presoje vplivov na okolje in šele zatem sprožiti postopek prevlade javne koristi nad koristjo ohranjanja narave.
The Administrative Court annulled the government’s decision on the predominance of other public benefits over the benefits of nature conservation, which would enable the start of construction of HPP Mokrice. The court made it known that it was not possible to apply three laws at the same time.
According to the new situation, the investor will have to carry out the entire process of environmental impact assessment and only then initiate the process of dominating the public benefit over the benefit of nature conservation.