Slovenska borka za reke Andreja Slameršek je danes v Münchnu prejela nagrado Wolfganga Staaba za varstvo narave 2021 za svoje izjemno prizadevanje za naravo evropske vrednosti. Utemeljitev podeljevalcev je bila jasna: »Da lahko dve veliki slovenski reki, Mura in Sava, še dalje neovirano tečeta po svojih strugah, je predvsem zasluga naravovarstvenice Andreje Slameršek. S podporo nevladnih organizacij ji je uspelo ustaviti več načrtovanih hidroenergetskih projektov, ki bi uničili edinstvene, ekološko dragocene poplavne pokrajine obeh rek.« Povedano bolj po domače; če ne bi bilo Andreje, njene odločnosti, poguma in nepopustljivosti, bi bila večina naših, sicer pogosto precej bolj opaženih akcij, popolnoma zaman. Zagnana Štajerka že dolga leta pod okriljem Društva za preučevanje […]
The fact that Slovenia’s two major rivers, the Mura and the Sava, can still flow mostly unhindered through their riverbeds is largely thanks to the conservationist Andreja Slameršek. We are sometimes the loud and obvious ones, but if it wasn’t for Andreja, her fearlessness and determination at court cases, our actions would be more or less useless! She succeeded at many court cases, stopping several planned hydropower projects that would have destroyed the unique, ecologically valuable floodplain landscapes of the two rivers. Andreja was awarded the Wolfgang Staab Nature Conservation Prize 2021 for her outstanding commitment to nature conservation and we salute and congratulate her! Respect!
Fist sneak peak of moving images capturing the Balkan Rivers Tour 5 descent of the Sava river in Slovenia can now be seen in the short videos that you can reach here. In the meantime, we are continuing the work on the full feature documentary that will show the 258 kilometres of the Sava river, present its beauty, expose the threats it is facing and provide information to help with sculpturing the appropriate opinion on whether they should build 10 new dams or not.
Upravno sodišče je odpravilo vladno odločbo o prevladi druge javne koristi nad koristjo ohranjanja narave, ki bi omogočila začetek gradnje HE Mokrice. Sodišče je dalo vedeti, da sočasno pač ni možno uporabljati treh zakonov. Po domače povedano je bil tole malo preveč šalabajzerski poizkus. Po novem bo investitor moral lepo ‘po reglcih’, kot bi rekla stara mama, najprej izvesti celoten postopek presoje vplivov na okolje in šele zatem sprožiti postopek prevlade javne koristi nad koristjo ohranjanja narave. VEČ INFO: ENG: The Administrative Court annulled the government’s decision on the predominance of other public benefits over the benefits of nature conservation, which would enable the start of construction of HPP […]