EVENT | To the Sava, for Nature / Za naravo ob Savo
What is happening in Slovenia is bigger than just a fight for nature. It’s a fight for the rights of civil society and democracy. So, we are joining forces and getting everyone out of the city and into Slovenian nature!
We are inviting you to hike, paddle, bike or swim with us on Saturday June 27th!
We are coming together…
For nature.
For the health of everyone.
For social justice.
For a more equal society.
We have made an interactive map and with 25 different segments of the Sava which people will be walking, paddling, cycling and swimming. In this way we will traverse the whole Slovenian stretch of the Sava River (258 km); from the springs in Bohinj and Podkoren, all the way to the point where the Sava continues its journey through Croatia.
We will draw attention to the harmful violations of nature.
We will enjoy the beautiful river-side landscapes.
We will examine the many species and environments threatened by destruction and construction being pushed through under the veil of Corona-virus economics.
We will organize garbage clean-up actions, bird watching and exploration.
We will get together and show decision makers how many of us there are who respect, enjoy and will fight for nature!
This action is a great chance to get kids into nature and take action to protect that nature, just by walking, biking or paddling.
Although the corona virus has seemingly separated us as a community, more than 36,000 of us have connected to nature in recent months.
Our purpose is clear: to protect nature from the harmful interference of the authorities and capital, and to build solidarity, tolerance and a green society.
The Slovenian government is not listening to us. They have indifferently passed a law that removes the voice of the public from all proceedings all those who could oppose the interests of the government and capital in environmentally controversial projects. So, this event is our reaction and sends clear message; we are united and we will continue to protect nature.
- Find a stretch of river on our interactive map that you would like to traverse.
(Contact the organizer of that section for more info if needed) - Get friends and family to join! The Sava is s stunning river worth spending time in, on and around!
- Sign the petition Narave Ne Damo to add your voice to the fight
- Share the Facebook Event
See you on the Sava!
(For more information about the recent changes to nature conservation legislation in Slovenia and a summary of the current situation, go to this link for a summary post in English.