V prvih 80 dneh po premieri si je film Zgodba Save v živo na 20 dogodkih ogledalo že več kot 3.000 ljudi. Najbolj obiskan dogodek je bila projekcija v domačem kraju večine filmske ekipe – v Radovljici – Zgodbi Save je tam prisluhnilo kar 1.000 gledalcev! Da bo mera polna, pa je pred nekaj dnevi film osvojil tudi prvo mednarodno nagrado; glavno nagrado v kategoriji Green Path na italijanskem filmskem festivalu Ventotene film festival. Poletne projekcije se bodo nadaljevale do sredine septembra (podroben program najdete na povezavi https://balkanriverdefence.org/zgodba-save/, zavihek projekcije), zatem bo film zaokrožil po slovenskih kino dvoranah, vzporedno s tem pa bo gostoval tudi na mnogih mednarodnih in domačih […]
In the first 80 days after the premiere, more than 3.000 people saw the film The Sava Story live at 20 events. The most attended event was the screening in the hometown of most of the film crew – in Radovljica – the Story of Sava shared there to more than 1.000 spectators! On top of that, a few days ago the film also won the first international award; the main prize in the Green Path category at the Italian Ventotene film festival. The summer screenings will continue until mid-September (the detailed program can be found at the link https://balkanriverdefence.org/zgodba-save/, toggle screenings), after which the film will tour Slovenian cinemas, […]