Whitewater kayaker and ornithology expert, Bor Mihelič, who was a part of the BRT5 crew for the entire descent of the Sava River, performed a bird census in the nesting season of the entire 258 km of Sava River in Slovenia that we paddled – the first continuous survery of this kind. His data and findings were a base for diploma thesis Celosten popis gnezdilk reke Save s pomočjo kajaka (Comprehensive inventory of nesting birds of the Sava River with the help of a kayak), which he successfully defendend on December 22nd 2023 at BCN – Biotehniški center Naklo. Survey findings and results now provide a base of data, that […]
Kajakaš na divjih vodah in strokovnjak za ornitologijo Bor Mihelič, ki je bil del posadke Balkan Rivers Tour 5 pri spustu po reki Savi, je med veslanjem vseh 258 km reke Save v Sloveniji opravil popis vodnih vrst ptic v gnezditveni sezoni. To je prvi tovrstni popis na reki Savi. Zbrani podatki so bili podlaga za diplomsko nalogo Celosten popis gnezdilk reke Save s pomočjo kajaka, ki jo je uspešno zagovarjal 22. decembra 2023 na BCN – Biotehniškem centru Naklo. Ugotovitve in rezultati raziskave zdaj zagotavljajo bazo, ki jo lahko ornitologi primerjajo s prihodnjimi raziskavami te vrste, kar lahko lokalnim naravovarstvenim skupinam dolgoročno služi za nadaljnjo zaščito odsekov Save. Povzetek […]
This is big! Our short film Rods, Rolls & Reality on the Soča was officially selected for the 2024 program of Fly Fishing Film Tour. Film had it’s world festival premiere on January 20th in Bozeman, Montana, USA. It will now tour North America and Europe with more than 300 festvial stops in 14 countries. You can check the tour stops and find one that suits you best HERE.