Fortunately, the results of analyzes of water samples from the Soča taken on April 21st 2022, the day of the spill from the TKK factory, do not show excessively high levels of toxins or excessive changes in organic and inorganic water parameters. There can be several reasons for this; the first is that the spilled substance was not really very dangerous to the environment, and the second is that we took samples too late or too far downstream from the spill site. Of course, we keep our fingers crossed that spilled matter was a substance that will not have major negative impacts on the life of the Soča River and […]
Rezultati analiz vzorcev vode iz Soče, ki smo jih odvzeli 21.4.2022, na dan izlitja iz tovarne TKK, na srečo ne kažejo pretirano povišanih prisotnosti toksinov ali pretiranih sprememb v organskih in anorganskih parametrih vode. Razlogov za to je lahko več; prvi je ta, da razlita snov res ni bila okolju zelo nevarna, drugi pa ta, da smo vzorce odvzeli prepozno ali predaleč po toku navzdol od mesta izliva. Seveda držimo pesti, da je šlo za snov, ki ne bo imela večjih negativnih vplivov na živelj reke Soče in na zdravje ljudi, ki Sočo uporabljajo za rekreacijo ter pitje. Glede podatkov o bioakumulaciji izlite snovi v ribah in varnosti rib za […]