We decided to make the third Balkan Rivers Tour special in 3 ways; to make it really big and support local initiatives more directly with focus on creative actions, travel from south towards north for the first time to finish at our homes in Slovenia and use it as a premiere tour for our fresh full length documentary The Undamaged. With this in mind the program was full on for 32 days. We have visited 6 countries, kayaked on 9 rivers, joined forces with nearly 1.500 people from 19 countries and made 17 events with protests, flotillas and The Undamaged screenings. The grand finale happened in Slovenia, with flotillas on […]
In order to carry on with the flow, Balkan Rivers Tour 2 started in March 2017 and gathered paddlers, locals, nature lovers and friends from all over the world to show their support to free flowing rivers and have good times together. This time the action was more straightforward. We focused on two rivers; Slovenia’s Soča and Montenegro’s Morača River. We started the tour by paddling the Soča – the emerald pearl of the Alps – from it’s source in Slovenia to the Adriatic sea in Italy. Directly following the Soča, the Balkan Rivers Tour crew dove into exploration and adventures deep in the Dinaric Alps of Greece and Albania […]
When Slovenian kayaker Rok Rozman found out there were 2,700 dams proposed to be built in his backyard, the Balkan Peninsula, he didn’t start a petition or write letters to politicians. He just went kayaking. And this seemingly simple action has started what has become the biggest direct river conservation action in Europe. At its roots the Balkan Rivers Tour is about saving rivers in threat of being dammed. But success of this movement comes from something so organic, and so simple; having fun. BRT started as a crazy red line on a map and turned into a movement. It created an atmosphere where people are united in the fight […]
Rok and the BRD team have traveled to festivals, outdoor shops and events to share the story of BRT over the last couple of years. Interactive and entertaining slide shows (presented with complete honesty and zero filter) entertain audiences with the whole BRD story but also challenge people to think and take action for themselves. Presentations take people on the journey…from how Rok took the plunge and dove into this crazy project to how the team pulled together BRT 1 and BRT 2. Presentations also outline why hydro is dirty and how we got our story into the spotlight of international and nations media attention. These events helped share the […]
Balkan Rivers Tour will take place in autumn this year. So instead of making After-Party in cold and rainy November we are making Pre-Party in hot and sunny August. We will use this party and get together as a chance to apply pressure to SENG (Soča Hydropower Plants Company) and demand that they finally cancel plans for the dams on Učja River and upper Soča River. How? With a big flotilla of rafts and kayaks! Where? On the Soča River between Srpenica and Trnovo. Since hard work and creative action should always be awarded… we will make a party afterwards! In the evening we will gather in Kamp Koren to […]
Na zadnji dan junija, na prelepo sobotno jutro, smo združili moči z malo verjetnim partnerjem – skejterji na dogodku Rolka 7. Zakaj? Da bi dokazali, da naravovarstvo nima meja, omejitev in fiksnih idej; da bi pokazali da je prava zabava in rock’n’roll! Blejsko jezero je na 45 plovilih gostilo 50 ljudi, ki so podporo divjim rekam Slovenije izkazali z vesli dvignjenimi visoko v zrak. Kajaki, veslaški enojci, kanu, SUPi, pletni in flamingo. To ni bil protest. To je bila kreativna akcija. Akcija, s katero smo korumpiranim politikom dali vedeti, da je dovolj uničevanja. Da naj prenehajo z forsiranjem Akcijskega narčta obnovljivih virov Slovenije, ki bi, tak kot trenutno je, odprl […]
Woho! We are joyfully announcing what we hope will become the biggest and most effective action so far – Balkan Rivers Tour 3! A month full of film premiers, paddling and protests! Sign up for newsletter to stay up-to-date with all news regarding the tour and get ready. Cheers! Direct link to program here: https://balkanriverdefence.org/program See you on and next to the river!