Last summer, the kayakers from The Sava Story documentary Carmen Kuntz, Bor Mihelič, Branko Djoković and Rok Rozman returned to Slovenia’s Sava River and explored it in a very peculiar way. Our media team captured the action above and below the water, and over the next 3 Wednesdays we will share 3 short videos with you. Get ready for some serious laughs, scientific methods and campfire concerts. Where to see videos? – On our webpage – On NRS Facebook page – On Balkan River Defence Facebook page – On Leeway Collective Youtube channel
In the spring of 2015, our then young Leeway Collective crew headed to Greece and Albania to paddle the entire Aoos/Vjosa River – from the source high in the Pindus Mountains to the Adriatic Sea – in order to get to know this last big wild European River and share it with the rest of the world. This was important as there were plans for more than 30 dams to be built on its catchment. We knew that if we wanted to stop these plans from becoming reality, we would need to join forces with many organisations and especially with a lot of individuals, so it made sense to make […]
Med 27. in 30. decembrom je v Bovcu potekal že 15. filmski festival BOFF. Naš film Zgodba Save je bil iz strani režije festivala izbran v tekmovalno kategorijo, kjer pa je po glasovanju publike postal najboljši domači film. Veseli nas, da ob vseh projekcijah in festivalskih predvajanjih Sava in grožnje njej postajajo vedno bolj znane. Naj teče še naprej. Hvala vsem za glasovanje in hvala organizatorjem za fajn dogodek in prima druženje!
Well, it’s the end of the (calendar) year, and that usually means it is time for evaluation and contemplation. Ours goes like this: For us, the year 2022 was marked by the Slovenian Sava. The first half of the year was devoted, almost entirely, to the post-production of our feature documentary, One for the River: The Sava Story, while the second half was dedicated to traveling with the film, as it took its journey among the people. To date, the film has been seen live in Slovenia by more than 6,000 people at 46 screenings/events. Internationally, it has been screened at 20 festivals in 14 countries and won a total […]
Leto 2022 je bilo za nas v znamenju slovenske Save. Prvo polovico leta smo skoraj v celoti namenili postprodukciji celovečernega filma Ena za reko: Zgodba Save, drugo pa posvetili njegovi poti med ljudi. Do danes si je film v Sloveniji v živo ogledalo že več kot 6.000 ljudi na 46 projekcijah/dogodkih, dodatno pa je gostoval že na 20 festivalih v 14 državah in skupno osvojil 7 festivalskih nagrad. Za povrh smo ob premieri filma izdali tudi naš knjižni prvenec: Sava v Sloveniji – kajakaški vodnik, Da bo mera polna je bil konec marca premierno predvajan tudi dokumentatni film BBCja Earth’s Great Rivers: The Danube, h kateremu smo prispevali s 13 […]
In just 24 hours, 88 donors and companies from four countries donated sums between 5 and 500 EUR, totaling 3,362 EUR. Together with EUR 3,000, which we managed to collect even before the start of yesterday’s ‘crowdfunding’ from our emergency fund and help from the Free Rivers Fund and Packraft Europe, the total collected represents the amount of EUR 6,362. We need a total of EUR 5,500 for the translation of the study, which means that you/we managed to collect as much as EUR 862 more than expected. So we have an important question for the last of those who contributed: DO WE RETURN EXCESS COLLECTED FUNDS TO YOU OR […]
V samo 24 urah je 88 donatorjev in podjetij iz štirih držav doniralo vsote med 5 in 500 EUR v skupni vrednosti 3.362 EUR. Skupaj s 3.000 EUR, ki smo jih še pred pričetkom včerajšnjega ‘crowdfundinga’ uspeli zbrati iz našega urgentnega sklada ter pomoči iz strani Free Rivers Fund in Packraft Europe zbrana vsota predstavlja znesek 6.362 EUR. Za prevod študije skupno potrebujemo 5.500 EUR, kar pomeni, da ste/smo uspeli zbrati kar 862 EUR več od pričakovanega. Za zadnje med tistimi, ki ste prispevali, imamo torej pomembno vprašanje: ALI VAM VIŠEK ZBRANIH SREDSTEV VRNEMO, ALI GA OBDRŽIMO V URGENTNEM SKLADU BALKAN RIVER DEFNENCE? Sredstva iz urgentnega sklada smo v preteklosti […]
FUNDRAISING TO TRANSLATE A STUDY THAT CAN SAVE THE SAVA AT MOKRICE UPDATED ON TUESDAY, Dec 13th at 9 PM We have reached the target amount for the translation, woho! If you still decide to donate, your funds will go into our emergency fund. or DIRECT BANK TRANSACTION Zavod Leeway Collective Zgornja Lipnica 24 a 4246 Kamna Gorica SI56 6100 0001 2315 855 WHY DO WE NEED THE TRANSLATION BY A COURT INTERPRETER? The court process on HPP Mokrice, in which the Slovenian Native Fish Society is a party to the proceedings, has reached the point where the defender of the river has to present evidence that HPP Mokrice and […]
ZBIRANJE SREDSTEV ZA PREVOD ŠTUDIJE, KI LAHKO REŠI SAVO PRI MOKRICAH OSVEŽENO V TOREK, 13.12. ob 21:00 Dosegli smo ciljni znesek za prevod, juhej! Če se kljub temu odločite za donacijo, bodo vaša sredstva šla v naš urgentni sklad. ali DIREKTNO NAKAZILO NA TRR Zavod Leeway Collective Zgornja Lipnica 24 a 4246 Kamna Gorica SI56 6100 0001 2315 855 ZAKAJ POTREBUJEMO PREVOD SODNEGA TOLMAČA? Sodni proces o HE Mokrice, pri katerem je Društvo za preučevanje rib Slovenije stranka v postopku, je prišel do točke, ko mora zagovornik reke predložiti dokaze o tem, da HE Mokrice in ostale načrtovane hidroelektrarne na Savi niso smiselne in potrebne niti v energetskem niti ekonomskem […]
EVENTS THROUGHOUT SLOVENIA Since the sold-out premiere, which took place on June 1st at the Kino Šiška in Ljubljana, the film has been screened at 63 events and gathered a total of 8,000 viewers. It has already visited 37 towns in Slovenia, and it has experienced a record number of spectators (more than 1,000) at the summer cinema in Radovljica. If the summer was marked by screenings under the stars, the screenings moved to cinemas and cultural centers in the autumn. In the fall, we also started cooperation with schools; to date, almost a thousand children from Radovljica and Bled elementary schools, as well as Radovljica High School, have seen […]